Saturday, July 12, 2008

To Nana's House We Go

Over the grapevine and through LA to Nana's house we went! I loaded up the boys and took them myself- very brave! The drive wasn't so bad and it only took me about 7 hours both times. On Thursday we woke up and Mom took the boys on a walk to the park while I got ready, then I picked them up and we went to "Treehouse Mc Donalds" (which is McDonald's with a playplace that looks like a treehouse). After that we went to my favorite store Home Goods. Then we went home and took a nap. After naps the sun came out and we went swimming. Both Ryan and Dylan loved swimming! Friday, the fourth, we went out to breakfast. After breakfast we went to the beach. It was so crowded- everyone had the same idea. All I can say about the beach is sand, sand, sand! We had sand everywhere. We built sandcastles and I forced Ryan to play in the water. He screamed the whole time, I swear it looks like I was abducting him! After naps we ate dinner and then went a walk down the 101. It was so beautiful! We did see some interesting characters on our walk. There was a lady riding a horse down the street and pulling another one. She was riding barefooted and bareback. I think there was horse poop on her feet too! Not to mention the horses were spooked by the crashing of the waves! I was spooked to, horses make me nervous. We also saw some people doing circus acts. Some were doing a tight rope, and some were doing all sorts of things with hula hoops. The next day we went to La Jolla and Mira Mesa shopping and I showed the boys where Daniel and I used to live. That evening we ate at Miyaba, one of those Japanese restaurants that cook right in front of you. Dylan loved it! Ryan was so terrified of the fire! I finally told him if he would be brave we would go and buy him a Batman at Target after dinner. On our last full day Mom and the boys and I went shopping at the outlets and then we went on a picnic at the view spot right by their house. If your thinking that we did a lot you are right. It was exhausting, but the boys are crazy at my mom's house and the best thing to do is get out of the house and exhaust them!

1 comment:

Melissa (Murdoch) McKinley said...

looks like you guys had so much fun!! my mom is here right now and it is the best. moms are the greatest!