Thursday, November 1, 2007

Joy School

Ryan has been going to Joy School since September. He is loving the chance to play with other friends and learning new things. Today they had a costume party at the park and did races with mini pumpkins, pumpkin throwing, and scarecrow shooting (Dad, you'd be happy to know that Ryan's aim is suprisingly right on- most of the time). Here are some of the pictures that I took before my camera went dead.

Happy Halloween

Wow! Ryan really enjoyed this Halloween. We went to a party on Saturday and then we had trick or treating on Wednesday and he really enjoyed himself. After the boys were in their costumes we headed out to see Grandma Silva at the Care Center and when we went outside Ryan saw some kids trick or treating and said, "Look at all my friends!" He also couldn't believe that everyone was giving him candy. Dylan didn't really know what was going on, although after wearing his costume on Saturday the zipper broke and he was having a costume malfunction all night (note the exposed leg in some of the pictures). After we went trick-or-treating we sat out front and handed out candy. The night was a lot of fun!