Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Daniel!

Yesterday was Daniel's birthday. We joined family at Mountain Mike's for pizza, cake, and ice cream. I got Daniel a Wii for his birthday and he has said that it's "the best gift anyone has ever gotten me!". He and the boys are loving it!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Batman and Robin

For Halloween Ryan wanted to be Batman so by default Dylan got to be Robin. It characterizes the two so perfectly, Dylan is definitly Ryan's sidekick. They loved their costumes so much that they wore them all day on Saturday too! We went to our churches Halloween party and then went home and did a little trick or treating. Best part of my night was that Dylan learned to say "Trick or Treat".

Carving Pumpkins

This year Ryan actually touched the inside of the pumpkin! Dylan would have nothing to do with getting his hands dirty. We were so lame this year, our pumpkins didn't even make it to the porch (I was too worried that someone would smash them because of our YES on 8 sign). Our little family enjoyed them for a couple days though!

Pumpkin Patches

The Saturday before Halloween we ventured out to the pumpkin patch. We didn't go to our favorite in Lathrop because I was feeling sick and needed to be able to get home fast (groan!). We went to the one by Target in Riverbank and had just as much fun. The boys loved the hay mazes! We didn't buy pumpkins because they were way too much money at the patches, but we went back the night before Halloween and got all four of our pumpkins for $11 off of the mutant pumpkin pile! That was more like it! That night was fun because there was a church festival there that had a bounce obstacle course and Ryan went down the slide for what seemed like hours (he had SO much fun). They had clowns, face painting and free candy! It was an unexpectedly fun night!

Bloomingcamp Ranch

We went to the annual Harvest Festival at Bloomingcamp's this year. The boys had fun running around and seeing the animals at the petting zoo. I was a little disappointed because we were there so early that they weren't doing the horse-drawn wagon rides yet.


Ryan has a pair of snowboots from last year that he calls his cowboy boots. He also wears his "cowboy" hat with them and plays cowboys with Dylan. Of course Dylan has his own cowboy boots and hat!


Ryan is our little Picasso. He is so into coloring and drawing. We have his artwork all over the house. I'm also so proud that he can write his name! He concentrates so hard on it!

Dylan loves Trains and Cars

Just like Ryan did at this age, Dylan loves to line up his cars and trains. Lucky for him he has even more than Ryan did at this age!

Daddy The Science Guy

I forgot to tell you the best part of Daniel's new job, he's at home WAY more! On this day they decided to do a science project where they made a tornado. Ryan loved it and they made different colors with the food coloring.

Busy, Busy, Busy!

It's been awhile since I've updated our blog. A lot has happened since I last updated. One of the big reasons I haven't been blogging is because Daniel started a new job and has taken over the laptop (which was our main computer). Now I'm back to the old computer in our room and I hardly get time to get on the computer with peace and quiet. The other reason I haven't been blogging is because of morning sickness. Yes, we will be adding another little Krause to our family. At this point I am at 10 weeks and throwing up everyday as well as feeling too sick to get off the couch. If you ask me now, this will be our last- boy or girl! Enjoy the pictures!