Monday, November 3, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!

It's been awhile since I've updated our blog. A lot has happened since I last updated. One of the big reasons I haven't been blogging is because Daniel started a new job and has taken over the laptop (which was our main computer). Now I'm back to the old computer in our room and I hardly get time to get on the computer with peace and quiet. The other reason I haven't been blogging is because of morning sickness. Yes, we will be adding another little Krause to our family. At this point I am at 10 weeks and throwing up everyday as well as feeling too sick to get off the couch. If you ask me now, this will be our last- boy or girl! Enjoy the pictures!


Amy said...

We loved all the pics! And Congratulations! That is so exciting!!!

Mandy said...

AHHHH! That is so exciting! Congrats. My heart goes out to you. The images of being pregnant are still fresh in my mind, and so I sympathize! You are an awesome woman to already have two and be adding another. I tell Justin that if we are going to have anymore children, it will have to be through adoption! :) I hope all goes well! I am happy for you! (I hope it's a girl...they are soooo fun)!

jennsekona said...

congrats that is so exciting! mason just saw the pics with the boys' train table and turns to me saying "mom, i have go to go there and see that!"