Sunday, December 28, 2008

For all those wondering...

It's a girl! We went to Womb with a View and the lady assured us we are going to have a little girl. As you can imagine I made her check several times. We are a bit hesitant still, because we have been duped before. That is not taking away from our excitement. My excitement is threefold- I will have a daughter, I get to shop, and this will for sure be my last pregnancy! We can't wait to meet her. Ryan was a little disappointed, he walked out of the place looking quite depressed. When I asked him what was wrong he said, "I wanted a boy!". He is starting to like the idea though and Dylan doesn't really care much, he does know that there is a baby in my tummy. In fact when I was throwing up the other day he looked up at me and asked, "Baby okay?". I am pretty sure she is okay but still throwing up at 18 weeks means that I am not okay! It has to have an ending sometime and I'm hoping that the ending is not on the day she is born!


Melissa (Murdoch) McKinley said...

i am so excited too!!! i love swimsuit!

A. Hunter said...

This is so exciting! I thought you were having a boy for some reason...maybe you were just thinking it would be a boy. How perfect...two boys and a girl! Congratulations!