Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bye, Bye Diamond

When Daniel and I lived in San Diego we wanted to get a kitten. There is a kitten shortage down there so it took us three months to finally find an available kitty. When we saw Diamond we knew she was the perfect kitty for us. We adored her. When we would come back and visit Oakdale, she would make the trip with us- we didn't want to leave her alone. We bought her treats and toys and played with her everyday. Then we had Ryan and Dylan and Diamond was not so fond of all of the love and attention she was getting from them. It got to the point that people didn't even know we had a cat because she would hide out in our closet all day until the boys would go to bed. Then she would come out and cuddle on our lap to watch some tv. She also slept on the end of our bed everynight. She was a good cat. We kind of became disenchanted with having a pet once we had the companionship of Ry and Dillybug, but we would have kept Diamond until the end if it wasn't for the fact that the boys were having several asthma attacks a year and the pediatrician finally said that the cat had to go. It took us awhile to find someplace for her to go, but we finally found a pet rescue that did not euthanize. We didn't want her to die just because the boys are allergic. I cried like a baby when we dropped her off- weird, since I didn't particularly feel a strong connection with her anymore. I did get a little reminiscient and remember all the good times we had together. Ryan was sad and Dylan kept saying, "my kitty gone". Then Dylan kept going into the closet where she would sleep all day and say, "kitty die". I don't know why he thought she died, but I explained that she has a new home with her kitty friends. So, this is my tribute to Diamond, a great cat that gave us the best seven years of her life. Thanks for all the memories!

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